Thursday, October 4, 2012

In the Opinion page of the New York Times I found an interesting opinion by Ross Douthat published on Sept 29 2012 called “why Obama is winning.”  Which talks about Obama and the unemployment at this moment.
I agree with the author, since we elected Obama as president, in 2008, the unemployment rate has decrease. After going thru George bush and his last two years of worsening the economy including the “subprime mortgage crisis” and the huge increase in the U.S national debt. In 2008 the unemployment rate was at it maximum of 11.8% after 14 years of trying to stabilize it, it reached its maximums. (  Now after 4yrs it’s decreased down to 8.1% as of fall 2012. As we read we can agree with the term that “economy is growing” is correct. Although it’s moving at a slow pace at least we are going upward.
A lot of people prefer to see the nation taking baby steps to avoid going into debt or losing ground making us be worse than before.  This improvements that has happened slowly is the reason why we see Obama ahead of Romney at this moment, the people prefer to support a person who at least has done a little of improvement to our nation instead of someone who really doesn’t have a plan of attack.
A very important topic that is mentioned in this opinion is the fact that we have got to think of the consequences in a near future of the increase of unemployment we suffered. Since now in day’s people feel they have to secure their jobs, it’s made younger people put off the decision of having kids, marriage and doing life.  This means that in a future whit this reduction in birthrate we will not be going thru another “baby boom”, instead we will have less working people to pay off debt. Some people believe that periods of economic stagnation are followed by a burst of growth, so let’s just hope they are right.

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