Saturday, December 1, 2012

After reading some general topics on the U.S government I realized that we have to address the issue that the country is facing a high percentage of unemployed citizens.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics five million Americans are on a long term unemployment, which mean they have been jobless for 27 weeks or more,and another 7.3 million are out there looking for a job. With so much people unemployed we are at a 7.9% as a nation. You might be thinking “wow that’s not much” but if we look into how it’s affecting us as a nation, it makes a difference. What is really surprising is that among the Statistics, there were 813,000 discouraged workers in October. You ask “What are discouraged workers?”Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe no jobs are available for them. Honestllyy????

How is it possible that people that have degrees are struggling with finding jobs, many employers prefer to train and pay cheap rather than hiring people who they believe will require more of a pay. (1)

So as I read more regarding unemployment in our current nation it is disappointing to see that Democrats and Republicans can’t agree on cutting taxes to upper income earners or not . With president Obama re-elected I believe this is not going to be an issue any more since he is all for increasing tax rate for rich/middle class people, since he always mentioned that those people should pay their fare share.

But why impose more taxes on middle class people it’s already hard to support a family. While there is people out there not even attempting to find a job, and with all these new laws and consideration of legalizing weed I believe we should drug test anyone who is receiving free assistance. That just our fare share.

1 comment:

  1. Though the 7.9 % unemployment rate is still considerably higher than were anybody would like it at, it shows signs of improvement as it is the first time that the unemployment rate has fallen below 8 percent since February of 2009. While there are of course those people who don't work because the government will provide them with money, there are also those who have a legitimate need for collecting unemployment. My brother for example works in the film industry here in Austin. Though he makes good money when he works, work is sometimes sparatic. During these sometimes extended periods of no work, he is able to provide for his family through government assistance since he belongs to a union. I read recently that in order for our economy to return to where it was prior to the recession, 10 million jobs would have to be created. How ridiculous is that? Many of the jobs that were created can be classified as low wage occupations, providing those workers with no sense of stability. In addition many of these jobs were only part time, so these individuals make hardly any more money than when they were unemployed.
